The XIV International Forum

December 12-13, 2024, St.Petersburg

Arctic: today and the future





JSC VTB Bank is the primary bank of VTB Group - a global provider of financial services, comprised of over 20 credit institutions and financial companies operating across all key areas of the financial markets.

VTB’s global network is unique to the Russian banking industry. It enables the group to facilitate international partnerships and promote Russian companies aiming to engage with global markets. VTB operates a large international network across CIS countries: Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. VTB also has banks in Austria, Germany and France which are part of a European subholding with VTB Bank (Austria) acting as the parent bank for Germany and France. The Group also has subsidiary and affiliated banks in the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Serbia, Georgia and Angola and branches in China and India and VTB Capital has branches in Singapore and Dubai.

The majority shareholder of the VTB Bank is the Russian Government, which owns 60.9 percent of the voting shares.

VTB Group as of August 31, 2017, in the second largest Russian financial group by assets (12,752.1 Bn Roubles) and customer funds (8,682.9 Bn Roubles).

Environmental protection and management are among the top priorities on the Group’s social responsibility agenda. Measures aimed at minimization of the negative impact on environment are implemented in the following two main areas: increase in environmental efficiency of direct operational activities, and support for environmental projects and initiatives.

VTB is the Russian Execution Agency for the Project Support Instrument of the Arctic Council (PSI AC), an environmental fund aiming at reducing pollution and improving environmental management in the Arctic. The Bank also plans to provide co-financing and parallel financing for the PSI projects as well as for other projects in the Russian Arctic that reduce pollution and help to achieve sustainable development goals.

VTB intends to extend its cooperation with various governmental agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and other stakeholders in preserving biodiversity to the Arctic, focusing on the most threatened species and ecosystems.

In its environmental financing of the Arctic projects VTB plans to deploy innovative financial instruments, such as green financing, and involve its clients, to demonstrate a valuable role that commercial banks and other financial institutions should play in addressing environmental problems.



PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel

The PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (NORNICKEL) – is a leader of Russian mining and smelting industry and one of the world biggest producers of nickel and palladium. Main business activities of the company are searching, exploring, mining, beneficiation and processing of mineral resources, producing, marketing and consignment of non-ferrous and precious metals.

NORNICKEL has a great experience in working beyond the Arctic Circle. The aim of the company is not only to carry on production but also to create a comfortable zone for the population of the Arctic regions where assets of the company are located. The fundamental improvement of ecological situation, the development of the infrastructure, transportation, local communities, the support of local small and medium business and community services are among the priority tasks. By developing the transport infrastructure in the Arctic Zone of the RF the company can raise the accessibility of the most important region for our country.




The corporation was established in 2002, when in accordance with Russian Presidential Decree and under the State of the Government of the RF a number of objects were combined, to be more precise tens of factories, scientific and industrial unions, design offices and scientific and research institutions creating and producing Short, Medium and Long Range Air Defence, main types of facilities for radar surveillance and armored artillery weapon. Today the holding includes more than 60 enterprises from 18 regions of the country.

On February 05, 2015 President of the Russia Federation Vladimir Putin signed Decree on changing the name from «Almaz – Antey» Anti-Aircraft Defence Corporation to «Almaz – Antey» Air and Space Defence Corporation.

Ian Novikov has become the general director of the Corporation since march 2014.




Gazprom Neft is a vertically integrated oil company, primarily engaged in oil and gas exploration and production, refining, and the production and sale of petroleum products.

Company Mission Statement.

To provide consumers with high-quality energy resources, to conduct business honestly and responsibly, to look after the company’s employees, and to be a leader in business efficiency, ensuring balanced and sustainable growth, for the long term.

The Gazprom Neft Group of Companies comprises more than 70 production, refining and sales subsidiaries throughout Russia, the CIS, and abroad. As at 31 December 2016 Gazprom Neft’s total hydrocarbon proved and probable (2P) reserves (SPE-PRMS standards), including shares in production at joint enterprises, stood at 2.72 billion tonnes of oil equivalent (btoe).

The correlation between production and refining at Gazprom Neft is among the best in the industry in Russia. In terms of refining volumes Gazprom Neft is one of the top three companies in Russia, and the fourth most important in terms of production volumes.

Gazprom Neft operates throughout Russia’s most important oil and gas regions, including the Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, and in the Tomsk, Omsk and Orenburg Oblasts. The company’s key refining facilities are located around Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl, and in Serbia. In addition to this, Gazprom Neft is also implementing production projects outside of Russia — in Iraq, Venezuela, and other countries.

Gazprom Neft exports to more than 50 countries worldwide, as well as selling its products throughout Russia and abroad through its own extensive retail network.

The company currently has 1,852 filling stations throughout Russia, the CIS and Europe.



MRTS Company has been operating since 1999. It has years of experience in hydro- technical construction, engineering, subsea installation as well as under water engineering in Extreme North and Arctic climates.

MRTS provides:

- own unique fleet, having no equivalents in Russia;

- exceptional engineering and technology solutions;

- international quality standards;

- highly qualified professionals.