PJSC «Gazprom Neft»
Gazprom Neft is a vertically integrated oil company, primarily engaged in oil and gas exploration and production, refining, and the production and sale of petroleum products.
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JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation"
The JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation is the biggest shipbuilding company in Russia. It was established in 2007 in accordance with Russian President 100% of its shares are publicly owned.
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JSC «Russian Export Center» (REC)
The JSC “Russian Export Center” (REC) is a state institution of supporting non-resource exports, providing Russian exporters with wide specter of financial and non-financial measures of support. Cooperation with specialized ministries and authorities and also cooperation with the key industrial and business organizations let REC improve the requirements for export in Russia and grade the existing barriers while realizing foreign economic activity.
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SJSC «Sevmorneftegeofizika»
The SMNG is a dynamic developing company and it has a good reaction for changing conditions of the sea geophysical service market. The main priority of the SMNG is high quality of all kinds of works in correspondence to international industrial standards, and taking into consideration the deadlines of contracts and respecting the interests of customers.
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JSC «Rusgeology»
Rosgeologia conducts a full range of geological and geophysical operations during geological exploration relating to solid mineral and hydro-carbons. Rosgeologia experts have huge experience geological and geophysical surveys in all regions of Russia. The Holding companies created a network of geophysical survey base lines in a number of foreign countries as well, where during more than 50 years the Soviet and Russian companies achieved great success in geological projects implementation.
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JSC "VR-Technologies"
Russian Helicopters is one of the global leaders in helicopter production and the only helicopter design and production powerhouse in Russia, and also is one of few companies in the world which has possibilities for designing, produsing, testing and maintenance of modern civil and military helicopters. Holding “Russian Helicopters” is part of State Corporation Rostec.
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LLC “Moscow plant “Fizpribor”
The Moscow plant “FIZPRIBOR” was established in 1942. The enterprise specialized in producing instruments for controlling and measurement. Since 1984 the “Moscow plant “FIZPRIBOR” develops and produces power supply and functional blocks of consistent complex of technical facilities (CCTF), technical and software facilities of highest security (CTSF-HS) and other software and technical complexes for automate system of managing nuclear stations. The main consumer of the enterprise is the concern “Rosenergoatom”. The “Moscow plant “FIZPRIBOR” – is modern high-tech producing whole cycle – from an idea to its material realization.
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FSUE “Krylov State Research Centre”
The Krylov State Research Centre is a leading Russian engineering service provider with 120-year experience in shipbuilding domain. Presently the Krylov Centre is developing, carrying out expertise and tests of high-end vessels, offshore structures and shipboard equipment in line with key requirements and development trends of shipbuilding industry and oil & gas sector. Unique innovative solutions are being implemented thanks to integrated approach from fundamental research to specific projects. Nowadays Arctic projects developed pursuant to the highest international quality standards are the key vector of the Centre.
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JSC “Concern “Okeanpribor”
JSC “Concern “Okeanpribor” is an integrated structure, which united scientific and industrial potential of the RF in hydro-acoustics field. The concern includes enterprises and filiations located in Saint Petersburg, Karelia, Severodvinsk, Volgograd and Taganrog.
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The Joint-Stock Company “Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering “Rubin” is the largest in Russia among marine engineering companies offering design services. Over 85 % of submarines in the Soviet and later Russian Navy built to the designs of CDB ME “Rubin”, including several generations of strategic missile cruiser submarines.
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“Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions”
Arctic Marine Engineering Geological Expeditions is a full-service company for a complex study of the Arctic shelf onshore and offshore, and of other seas in Russia and worldwide.
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LLC «Baltic Shipyard - Shipbuilding»
Baltiysky Zavod founded in 1856 is one of the leading shipbuilding shipyard in Russia. Baltiyskiy Zavod – Shipbuilding specializes in building of first-rank naval ships, ice-class vessels with nuclear and diesel-electric propulsion (icebreakers, multi-purpose supply vessels, offshore supply and service vessels), nuclear floating power units.
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JSC “Roskartografiia”
The JSC “Roskartografiia” includes 32 filial JSC located over the whole territory of the RF, it let work from every corner of the country.
The JSC “Roskartografiia” possesses unique industrial, personnel and scientific and technical potential, that let make all kinds of topographic-geodesic works: from collecting information at the place to creating modern geoinformational system.
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JSC “Oceanos”
The private company specializing in subsea engineering and providing complete solutions in underwater technology. The level of expertise in technical development allows us to patent not only our technical, but also our technological solutions which are highly valued and actively purchased by other underwater technologies market contractors.
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Правительство Санкт-Петербурга
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JSC “Concern “SUW-Gidropribor”
JSC “Concern “SUW-Gidropribor” has specialized scientific and industrial, project and engineering and technological departments, testing limited production, laboratory and bench-scale and testing base.
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JSC "Scientific and production company "Meridian"
Meridian Research and Production Firm JSC, which history dates over 130 years back, is proud of the quality of its products created utilizing the cutting-edge technologies. Our advantage is the full cycle of development, manufacturing and certification of products conforming to the international quality standards. Meridian RPF JSC provides a high-level product support and offers systems in standard and customer-adapted configurations.
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JSC “Avangard”
JSC “Avangard” – is a leading enterprise in Russia in the field of development innovative technologies of producing products of radioelectronics and newest, most dynamically developing in the world its direction – micro-system techniques.
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JSC “SIE “Radar MMS”
JSC “Scientific Industrial Enterprise “Radar mms” is one of the world leaders in the field of creation of raioelectronic systems and complexes of special and civil purpose, precision instruments industry, special software.
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“Safe Technologies Industrial Group”
"Safe Technologies Industrial Group" is the Russian enterprise of the medium business that provides wide range of services in designing and construction of industrial facilities for the chemical industry, power industry, petrochemical and gas industry as well as in the field of environmental protection.
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JSC “Concern “Granit-Electron”
Joint Stock Company «Concern «Granit-Electron» is one of the major forefront R&D and original equipment manufacturer in Russia which produces radio electronic warfare systems and information management systems for Naval Forces. JSC «Concern «Granit-Electron» is the Federal R&D and manufacturing centre which has been included in the list of the Russian national strategic and systemically important enterprises of the Russian Federation.
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LLC “MRTS Sea projects”
The company “MRTS Sea projects” is a part of a big holding, the history of which has started in 1999 from the establishing the company “Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy”. Today the “MRTS HOLDING” – is an absolute leader of pipeline and hydro-technical building in Russia.
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the Government of the Murmansk region
The Murmansk region is located at the north-west of European Russia and entirely is one of a strategic districts of the country of the North-West federal region. It is included in Arctic regions of the country. The Governor of the Murmansk region – Marina Kovtun.
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JSC "Murmansk Shipping Company"
JSC “Murmansk Shipping Company” is one of the largest shipping company which carries out the major part of shipments under the Russian flag in Russian sector of the Arctic.The company is a leader in oil transportation and transshipment and develops the following activities: exploration works, transport and hydro installation building.
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Federal Agency for Mineral Resources
The Federal executive authority of the RF existing the state management in the field of environmental management, preservation of environment and providing ecological security.
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Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education (FSAEI HE)) – Arkhangelsk federal university created at a base of the Arkhangelsk state technical university by presidential edict of the RF (Dmitrii Medvedev). Official date of the registration – June 8, 2010.
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GC “Unmanned Systems”
We design and manufacture unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to be used for video surveillance and aerial photography. Besides, we offer unmanned oil and gas pipelines surveillance services to fuel and energy companies and real-time mapping services using our drones.
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JSC «REP Holding»
JSC “REP Holding” is a leading Russian power machine building enterprise, a designer, manufacturer and supplier of new generation power machines. We design, manufacture and provide package supplies of power and electrical equipment for oil&gas, metallurgical and chemical industries, power generation and distribution facilities.
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LLC “ArmsService”
The main competition of the company “ArmsService” is development and introduction of system solutions including projecting and complex equipping railways trestles, car’s points of emptying and filling and also sea and river docks.
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LLC “Linde Engineering”
Linde Engineering is a pioneer in the development of customised process solutions. Customers in more than 100 countries around the globe partner with Linde because they trust in our specialist expertise. Whether they are located in a city, the desert or the Arctic; whether they need a small or world-scale plant; whether they want engineering, construction or operational support; our customers know they can rely on us to always deliver the very latest technologies.
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A holding company NK-Teplohimmontazh is a company specializing in the production of a wide range of refractories and in providing high quality lining services for thermal generating units.
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LLC “Puls”
The LLC “Puls” specializes in developing and designing of air-gun source.
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JSC RPE “Aircraft and Sea Electronics”
The enterprise is a leading Russian producer of command center processing and display systems of radio-electronic systems of different purpose that set up at objects of stationary, shipping and aircraft basing.
The existence of high professional collective of specialists and management helps the enterprise to make qualitative products corresponded to world technical level.
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JSC “N.N. Andreev Acoustics Institute”
The Acoustic Institute is a leader in the field of researching spreading sound in an ocean, analyzing oceanic noses of different origin.
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Federal Agency for State Reserves
The State Reserve is a special federal (all-Russia) fund of material values and make property of public purse of the RF.
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Paramilitary Rescue Units and North-West Center of EMERCOM of Russia
The North-Western regional center for of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief is a governing board of the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation and is aimed to provide managing and coordination of territorial federal executive authorities, executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local authorities in the field of civil defence, protection of popularity and territories from Emergencies of natural and anthropogenic characters, and also providing readiness for using governing boards specialized in solving problems in the field of civil defence, population protection and territories from emergences, uniting and military units of Civil Defense Force. Organizations and Emergency Response Teams of EMERCOM of Russia at the territory of the North-Western region of the Russian Federation.
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FSBI Scientific and Research Institute Storage Issues of the Federal Agency for State Reserves
SRISI of the Federal Agency for State Reserves is Russian one of multispecialty scientific and research institution that possessives more than 70 years-experience in the field of long-term storage of goods and materials.
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One of the leaders of producing such technics in Russia is a company “TRECOL” which developing and producing amphibian vehicles with extra-low pressure tires by its own design.
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JSC Research and Production Association “Development Design Bureau named after M.P. Simonov”
Development Design Bureau “Sokol” was established in 1959 at the base of students’ Development Design Bureau of the Kazanian Aircraft Institute and Kazanian aircraft factory (Kazanian Aircraft Industrial Union named after S.P. Gorbunov) and originally before 1982 it has had a name of DDB of sports aircraft (DDB SA).
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Federal National State Military School of Higher Professional Education “Black Sea Higher Navy Order Red Star School named after P.S. Nakhimov”
In execution of the order of Sovnarkom of the USSR on outspreading military education establishments People's Commissar of Defence of the USSR made an order No. 035 of April 01, 1937, according to which it was ordered “… to form a Nava Academy for preparing of command personnel for ships and departments of a fleet in Sevastopol. Formed academy should be named “2nd Naval Academy.”
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LLC “Factory “Goreks – Lighting technology”
For today the plant of explosion-protected and general industrial equipment “Goreks – Lighting technology” – it is its own foundry production of metallic and plastic details, metalwares, galvanic and stamping production, a design beau and a workshop of experimental products, two assembly workshop, materials and components of the best Russian and foreign producers.
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The Russian Navy
The Russian Navy is the armed service of the Russian Armed Forces (RF AF) responsible for the armed protection of Russia’s interests and conduct of operations in the maritime theatre of war. The Navy is capable of attacking enemy land-based facilities with nuclear weapons, destroying enemy naval forces at sea and on bases, disrupting its maritime lines of communication and protecting friendly maritime shipping operations. It can also support the Ground Forces during the operations in the continental theatre of war, insert maritime forces into the area, repel enemy’s assaults and accomplish a number of other missions.
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Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov
The Military scientific training center of the Russian Navy “Military Medical Academy named after Fleet Admiral of the USSR N.G. Kuznetsov” – it is a powerful balanced educational and scientific complex including three scientific and research institutes, three naval institutions in Saint-Petersburg and one is in Kaliningrad, a military institute (of further vocational education) and educative centers for preparing submariners in Obninsk town of the Kaluga Region and in Sosnovyi Bor town of the Leningrad Region. MESC of the Russian Navy “Naval Academy” is a straight implementation of a system of nonstop military education creating in Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
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FSUE “All-Russia Scientific and Research Geological Institute named after A.P. Karpinskii”
ALL-RUSSIA SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE NAMED AFTER A.P. KARPINSKII is a successor and custodian of traditions of the first state geological institution in Russia – Geological Committee established in Saint-Petersburg on January 01, 1882 according to the order of the Imperator Aleksandr the III with an aim of systematic researching geological construction and creating the geological map of Russia and also of solving practical problems on appreciating prospects of the territory of the country for different mineral resources.
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Shipbuilding cluster of the Arkhangelsk Region
The Shipbuilding cluster of the Arkhangelsk Region is a growing point revealing the competitive and innovative potential of the region in the field of civil dhipbuilding and producing marine facilities.
The Cluster accumulates powerful innovative potential which makes the specified territory a growing point not only for the Arkhangelsk region but for the whole Russian Federation. The major projects of the cluster are unique and characterized by high added value.
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Association of oil and gas suppliers SOZVEZDYE
Association of oil and gas suppliers SOZVEZDYE was founded in 2006 on the initiative of the Arkhangelsk oblast Administration to unite the industrial potential of the region and participate in the oil and gas projects in the Arctic. SOZVEZDYE Association Board includes PO Sevmash, CS Zvyozdochka, and Northern (Arctic) federal university. Ministry of industry, transport and communication, Ministry of economic development and competitive policy, and also some other relevant ministries and departments in the Government of the Arkhangelsk oblast are actively involved in the activities of the Association as associated members.
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INA “Russia Today”
The INA “Russia Today” is an international media group, mission of which is operating and balanced coverage of events in the world, informing the audience about different view for key events including that about other keep silence.
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