2000 forum participants discussed the updating of
strategic documents on Arctic development

The result of the XIV International Forum Arctic: Today and the Future in honor of A.N. Chilingarov, held in St. Petersburg on December 12-13, is a resolution with initiatives of the Arctic community, designed to complement the state policy taking into account the challenges of the time.
During the two-day business program, 450 speakers formed proposals at 46 business sessions. A total of 2,000 Russian and foreign experts joined the forum. Also, 400 pupils took part in the in-person stage of the educational project «Meeting of Generations», which became the youth platform of the event.
The Forum began with the Plenary Session “Human-Centric Arctic: Achieving Russia's National Goals in the Far North”. The session outlined priority tasks for the development of the Arctic.

Mikhail Slipenchuk, First Vice-President of ASPOL, spoke about naming the Forum after the founder of the event, Artur Chilingarov, and noted that the Forum would continue his teacher's work to strengthen Russia's role as a leading polar power. Mikhail Slipenchuk also put forward an initiative to address the President of Russia to immortalize the memory of the legendary polar explorer, which was supported by the Plenary Session participants.
Nikolai Patrushev, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Maritime Board, noted the importance of the event in his address to the forum participants:
«The multi-year holding of the forum is of great importance for improving the quality of life of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, economic prosperity of the northern regions of the country, development of the Northern Sea Route, and protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation in the Arctic».
Yury Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District, emphasized the importance of the Forum in continuation of Arthur Chilingarov's work:
«Today we face the tasks to preserve and strengthen our country's presence in the region, to create comfortable conditions for people to live and work, to improve technologies, and to implement investment projects. At the origins of the forum and the entire work on the development of the Arctic is the great polar explorer Arthur Chillingarov, who devoted his entire life to the Russian North. I am glad that now the Forum will bear his name and that his work lives on».
First Deputy Minister for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic Gadzhimagomed Huseynov spoke about the current results of the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic and the importance of the macro-region:
«The Arctic has recently been getting more and more attention from the world's leading powers. But the Arctic is not just dry numbers. The main engine of the Arctic's economic development, its backbone, is people who have decided to tie their life and destiny to the North», he said.
Senator Sakhamin Afanasyev, Deputy Chairman of the Council for the Development of the Far East, Arctic and Antarctic of the Federation Council, conveyed greetings from the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko:
«The forum presents the best regional practices, initiatives and promising solution projects proposed by our business entities and companies. I am confident that the event will be held in a constructive manner, and the authoritative composition of its participants will ensure meaningful discussions and allow to develop solutions that are in demand in practice».
Sakhamin Afanasiev noted that the initiatives put forward at the forum will be taken into account in the formation of documents important for the Arctic:
«Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, has instructed us to prepare a draft presidential decree that will adjust the AZRF Development Strategy. All our joint decisions and proposals will not only be included in the draft decree, but also the activities necessary for its implementation will be carried out. And our discussions, which will be held within the framework of the forum, will contribute to the elaboration of the necessary measures».
Andrey Grachev, Vice President for Federal and Regional Programs of MMC Norilsk Nickel, spoke about the implementation of social projects that meet national goals:
«The President's instruction that it is necessary to bring the standard of living of Arctic residents to a level not lower than the Russian average is a task that is always relevant. It is a certain generalization of what we are doing», he said.
Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Alexander Moiseyev assessed the military-political and strategic situation in the Arctic and shared the goals and plans of the Russian armed forces in this region:
«The military and political situation in the region is characterized by the growing conflict potential associated with the intensification of rivalry between leading states for access to the natural resources of the Arctic Ocean, as well as establishing control over strategic sea and air communications».
Senator Grigory Ledkov, President of the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North and the Far East of the Russian Federation, spoke about how to preserve the distinctive culture and way of life of the indigenous peoples of the North.
The Plenary Session was moderated by Alexander Basalaev, Head of the Analytical Department of ASPOL, Program Director of the Forum.
On the second day of the Forum, a regional Plenary Session “Staying Ahead of the Challenges: Future Trajectories for the Arctic Zone Entities” was held. The participants discussed the implementation of master plans for Arctic cities.
The forum also included a three-part conference «Northern Sea Route. More than the Arctic», a strategic session supported by Nornickel: «Preserving Ethnicity: Interaction between Indigenous Minorities and Business», a partner session of ANO Energy for Development (Rosatom State Corporation) «Find and Retain: Recruiting Personnel and Career Strategies for Work in the Arctic», sessions on ecology and climate, tourism and creative economy, theater and cinema, creating a comfortable urban environment, and other discussions. Meetings of the Public Council of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and the Committee of Regional Coordinators of the Northern Forum took place. Along with Russian experts, representatives of diplomatic missions of China, India, Singapore, Uruguay, Egypt and other friendly countries, foreign scientists and businessmen took part in the Forum events.

The conference of the Association of Polar Explorers was held on the Forum site, and Mikhail Slipenchuk was elected President of the Association.

The business program was complemented by an exhibition of solutions for Arctic development. The stands of the St. Petersburg Committee, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the largest Arctic companies presented projects and held master classes for the participants of the «Meeting of Generations» project.
Cooperation agreements were also signed, experts held briefings and answered questions from the press.
The pearl of the exhibition space was the interactive space dedicated to the legendary polar explorer Artur Chilingarov.

After the forum, the work of ASPOL on consolidation of initiatives will continue. The Public Resolution formed on their basis will be sent to be taken into account in the work of the authorities, including when updating the state policy.
The general partner of the forum was MMC Norilsk Nickel, the general information partner was the Russian news agency TASS, the official sponsor was VTB Bank (PAO), and the session partner was ANO Energy of Development (Rosatom State Corporation).